Tree Preservation Orders

Mark Taylor - 29/08/2023, 16:48

Tree Preservation Orders

If you're a tree enthusiast or simply someone who values the greenery around, you might have come across the term "Tree Preservation Order" (TPO). Wondering what it is and how it impacts the tree work being done on your home or property? We're here to shed light on this intriguing aspect of arboriculture. At Middlewood Tree Care, we're not just about tree services, we're about preserving nature's beauty, and TPOs play a crucial role in this endeavor.

What is a Tree Preservation Order?

A Tree Preservation Order, or TPO, is more than just a legal term – it's a guardian for our trees. Created by local planning authorities, often the local council, TPOs are a shield of protection for specific trees or woodlands against deliberate harm and destruction.

A Closer Look at TPOs

TPOs can embrace any tree, and occasionally even extend to cover whole woodlands. They are often implemented in urban and semi-urban areas, with elevated 'amenity' or 'nature conservation value.'

Individual or groups of trees

Each tree carries its own name and number on the TPO plan.

A Blanket TPO pertains to trees that have grown as part of a group, supporting each other's growth. These groups of trees are shown as broken black lines on the TPO plan, with numbers assigned to each tree type.

Trees covered by a TPO or located in a conservation area require approval from the local planning authority before any management work or removal can take place. Failing to seek permission can lead to penalties, with fines up to £20,000.

Preserving a TPO Tree: Taking Action

If someone intends to fell a tree under TPO protection, they must submit an application to the local council. During this application process, there's a consultation period, allowing concerned parties to voice their objections.

Gathering community support can bolster objections. Encouraging local residents to contact the council and oppose the tree's removal can make a significant impact.

Replacing a Felled TPO Tree

When a TPO-protected tree is felled, the landowner is legally bound to plant a replacement. This applies even if the tree has died, is dying, or poses a danger.

The replacement tree should be:

  • Appropriate in size and species
  • Planted in the same location
  • Planted at the earliest opportunity

This duty transfers to a new landowner if the property changes hands before the replacement tree is planted. The replacement tree remains under the original TPO's coverage, regardless of the species. The local council typically updates the TPO to reflect any minor changes.

How to Secure Permission for a TPO Tree

To gain permission for work on a TPO-protected tree, you can use the Planning Portal's online application form. Your tree care experts at Middlewood Tree Care can assist you with this process. You'll need to accurately describe the intended work and provide a rough plan indicating the tree's location relative to your property.

Choose Middlewood Tree Care for Expert Tree Preservation

As dedicated tree surgeons, Middlewood Tree Care understands the significance of adhering to TPO regulations. We specialize in maintaining your trees' health while ensuring they thrive within the bounds of the law. Our experienced team handles TPO-related permissions, letting you enjoy the benefits of professional tree care with ease.

Whether you're in Cheshire, Congleton, or surrounding areas, Middlewood Tree Care is your trusted partner for all things tree care. Contact us today to experience excellence in tree preservation and enhance the beauty of your outdoor space.


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